General Motors Part Number 3866568 Engine Side Zbar Support Stud
Part #3866568
This ball stud screws into the block or bellhousing
depending on the application.
Approximate measurements are 2 1/2" overall
length, threads are 1/2"-13 x 5/8", the ball is
7/8" in diameter.
Bellcrank Seal
This part # comes with the zbar seal installed.
New GM Part
Pictures and measurements are from a new in the
box part.
0.851 STUD, lever shaft to engine
This part was used on most GM cars and trucks from 1966 on up. And as a replacement part on many 1958 and up cars.
73-77 A (Buick Parts Books)
73-77 Chevelle (Chevy Parts Books)
73-77 A (Olds Parts Books)
73-77 A (Pontiac Parts Books)
See : 3859488
3866568 Replaced 3816340 07-66
3752863 use 3866568 9/79
Factory correct applications are your responsibility. GM made part and part # changes with no rhyme but a reason (no production interruptions at any cost).
Application charts are for replacement parts that were available at the time of parts book printing.
My observations come from the parts I have in my collection or other reliable sources your parts may differ.
If Factory correctness is your goal, do more research, join car clubs,
forums and buy an assembly manual if one is available for your Project Car (you wont be sorry).
This is a fun and interesting part of the hobby!