55-56 Chevy Pedal Assembly
1955-56 Chevrolet Passenger Car Pedal Assembly
Even though 55-56-57 Chevy Clutch Pedals use
the same replacement part number (3735587),
there are slight differences, in the production parts.
Below I have a couple of used OEM assemblies
to use for comparison.
55-56 Return Spring
57 Return Spring
The 1955 and 1956 Pedals, use unique wire clips for
their return spring attachment and their own return
spring bracket, attached by 3/8"-16 bolts screwed
directly into threaded holes in the pedals.
While in 1957 Chevrolet switched to a wire hook on
one end, with an oval plate hooked to a pin on the
spring bracket on the other. The spring bracket is
attached by 3/8"-16 bolts with nuts and lock washers.
The pedals have "thru holes". The 57 spring bracket
doubles as the pedal stop and is mounted on the inside
of the pedal.
55-56 Pedal Stop Bumper
The 1955-56 Pedal assembly used a separate
Clutch pedal stop bracket part # 3709581 and
Two different rubber bumpers depending on whether
you had power brakes or not.
Components part list for 1955-56 Chevy Pedal Assembly
4.648 BRACKET, Support Brake Cylinder and Pedal Shaft
(55 Chevy Assembly Manual 1-5)
History: 3709714 use 3725308 7-1-56
0.829 BRACKET, Bumper
55-56 Pass. (Chevy Parts Books)
(My part numbers)
0.830 PEDAL, Clutch w/shaft
55-56 Pass. (Chevy Parts Books)
(1956 Chevy Assembly Manual)
This part has two threaded holes to attach the
return spring bracket, while the 1957 part has
two thru holes. Otherwise the pedals are interchangeable.
(My part numbers)
0.831 BUSHING, Clutch Pedal
(13/16 O.D. x 5/8 length)*
55-57 Pass. (exc. A.T.) (Chevy Parts Books)
(55 Assembly Manual 5-2)
(1956 Chevy Assembly Manual)
*I don't know where they got the size of these
bushings in the parts catalog. The clutch pedal
shaft they go on is 5/8" and the sleeve they go into
is slightly bigger.
4.625 PEDAL ASSY., Brake
(55 Assembly Manual 5-2)
(My part numbers)
4.625 PEDAL, Brake
55-57 Pass. (w/ Prod. P.B.)
(My part numbers)
(My part numbers)
4.827 SPRING, Pedal Return
(55 Assembly Manual 5-2)
(My part numbers)
4.634 SLEEVE ASSY. (15/16" O.D. x 3 1/4" O.L.)
55-61 PASS.
(My part numbers)
4.630 COVER, Brake and Clutch
(55 Assembly Manual 5-2)
(My part numbers)
4.630 COVER, Brake
0.844 SPRING, Clutch Pedal Pull Back
0.846 HOOK
0.846 PLATE
0.846 LEVER

0.829 BUMPER, Pedal (5/8" free height)
55-57 Pass. (exc. P.B.) (Chevy Parts Books)
(55 Assembly Manual 5-2)

0.829 BUMPER, Pedal (5/8" free height)
55-63 ALL, Corvette (exc. D-D, 409) (Chevy Parts Books)
(55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
4.626 BUSHING, Brake Pedal
55-57 Pass., Corv. (exc. Prod. P.B.)
(55 Assembly Manual 5-2)
3709583 SLEEVE ASSY., (55 Assembly Manual 5-2)
100013 BOLT (55 Assembly Manual 5-2, 6-10)
103025 NUT (55 Assembly Manual 5-2, 6-10)
103320 WASHER, Lock (55 Assembly Manual 5-2, 6-10)
103340 WASHER, Flat (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
3709578 LEVER, (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
3709577 SPACER, (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
100029 BOLT (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
451010 NUT, 0r 117212 NUT (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
3720151 SPRING, Clutch pedal return (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
3720154 HOOK, Clutch pedal return spring (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
3720152 HOOK, Clutch pedal return spring (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
0.844 SPRING, Clutch Pedal Pull Back
0.846 HOOK
0.846 PLATE
0.846 LEVER
0.829 BUMPER, Pedal (5/8" free height)
55-57 Pass. (exc. P.B.) (Chevy Parts Books)
(55 Assembly Manual 5-2)
0.829 BUMPER, Pedal (5/8" free height)
55-63 ALL, Corvette (exc. D-D, 409) (Chevy Parts Books)
(55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
4.626 BUSHING, Brake Pedal
55-57 Pass., Corv. (exc. Prod. P.B.)
(55 Assembly Manual 5-2)
3709583 SLEEVE ASSY., (55 Assembly Manual 5-2)
100013 BOLT (55 Assembly Manual 5-2, 6-10)
103025 NUT (55 Assembly Manual 5-2, 6-10)
103320 WASHER, Lock (55 Assembly Manual 5-2, 6-10)
103340 WASHER, Flat (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
3709578 LEVER, (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
3709577 SPACER, (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
100029 BOLT (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
451010 NUT, 0r 117212 NUT (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
3720151 SPRING, Clutch pedal return (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
3720154 HOOK, Clutch pedal return spring (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
3720152 HOOK, Clutch pedal return spring (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
0.846 LEVER, Clutch pedal pull back spring (4 7/8" O.L.)(used w/hooks)
1955 Chevrolet Passenger Car Assembly Manual (Sect. 6, Sheet 10.01)
1956 Chevrolet Passenger Car Assembly Manual (Sect. 6, Sheet 13.00)
100025 BOLT, Clutch pedal return spring lever (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
103321 WASHER, Lock, Clutch pedal return spring lever (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
120394 WASHER, Flat, Clutch pedal return spring lever (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
3708033 PEDAL Assy., Clutch (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
3657960 COVER, Clutch pedal (55 Assembly Manual 6-10)
Most parts that I describe and picture have identification on or with them, others I can identify from other sources and deduction (educated guess).
Factory correct applications are your responsibility. GM made part and part # changes with no rhyme but a reason (no production interruptions at any cost).
Applications are for replacement parts that were available at the time of parts book printing, and when possible model specific assembly manuals.
My observations come from the parts I have in my collection or other reliable sources your parts may differ.
If Factory correctness is your goal, do more research, join car clubs,
forums and buy an assembly manual if one is available for your Project Car (you wont be sorry).
This is a fun and interesting part of the hobby!